Sunday School + Bible Classes

Each Sunday morning, for 45 minutes, during school term time we hold our Sunday School at 2:30am. Boys and Girls of primary school age enjoy singing Gospel choruses, memorise verses from the Bible and receive Bible teaching, from experienced teachers using a Bible-based curriculum. We also have Bible Classes for those of Secondary School age and beyond, enabling them to dig deeper into what the Bible has to say and how it applies to their daily lives.

There are three special family events per year – at Christmas, Easter and the prize giving in late May/early June.

We also have a Sunday School outing up to the North Coast each year in early summer which is enjoyed by all.

All are welcome.  If you wish further information, please get in touch via the Contact page.


To register for Sunday School, please follow this link.



This activity has a Child Protection Policy in place and is available for inspection. Click here to view.


Jesus said: “Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God.”