Saturday Night Fellowship

Saturday Night Fellowship has an attendance of 150-200 every other Saturday from October to March at 8pm, with the great majority being young people.

It is said that a crowd attracts a crowd, but that is not why they come.

The popular attraction of this gathering is the programme of thought-provoking topical subjects of relevance to all in today’s society.

The speakers are well informed, well known Christian men of wide experience with a keen interest in guiding the young.

If you are interested in learning more from the Bible, please plan to attend.  You will be made most welcome.

At the end of each meeting refreshments are available for all to stay, have a chat and a time of fellowship.

Feel free to download this year’s programme.


David the sweet Psalmist of Israel, said: “Teach me Thy way, O Lord; I will walk in Thy truth.”