Bible Explorers

Jesus said: “Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God.”

Bible Explorers is on each Monday evening at 7pm, for 45 minutes, from October to March, in the old Tesco building, Church Street, Ballymena.

Children of primary and secondary school age enjoy singing choruses, topical quizzes, learning a memory verse, and lessons from Bible based stories. 

A Bible-based curriculum is followed, with an experienced children’s speaker  bringing the stories of the Bible to life, clearly explaining God’s way of salvation.

There is a  class for pre-school children, who enjoy singing choruses, listening to a simple Bible story and learning a Bible verse.

A Bible Class is also provided for those of Secondary School age and beyond, enabling them to dig deeper into what the Bible has to say and how it applies to their daily lives.

The children are well rewarded for attendance, behaviour, good singing and most importantly Bible verse repetition.

Prize night is the highlight of the year, where the children look forward to receiving their prizes for attendance.  Family and friends are always welcome.

We send buses into all areas of Ballymena, manned by members of our team, to transport the children safely.

All are welcome.  If you wish to receive further information, please get in touch via the Contact page.

 To register for Bible Explorers, please follow this link.


The Apostle Paul reminded a young christian man called Timothy, “That from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.”  2 Timothy 3:16



This activity has a Child Protection Policy in place and is available for inspection. Click here to view.