
About Us

Many years ago in the 1800s, the gospel was preached in the Ballymena area and surrounding district.  Quite a number of people trusted the Lord Jesus Christ as their Saviour, becoming Christians.

Those new Christians began to study their bibles and discovered how God wanted His people to gather.  They started off in a large loft in Broughshane Street, then to a room in Hill Street, and later, in Montgomery’s furniture store.  They sought to follow biblical teaching on baptism, receiving like minded Chistians to enjoy fellowship together.

As numbers increased, premises were purchased in Wellington Street and moved into in 1872.  Time proved the convictions of these Christians as, after 100 years and several generations, a strong testimony continued.  In 1976, relocation was required – this was due to the development of the Tower Centre in Ballymena.  A new location was provided off the Galgorm Road at Cambridge Avenue which allowed for a more suitable building to be constructed and the Christians continue to meet here today.

We are a company of Christians who desire to meet in accordance with the New Testament pattern for local church gathering. Those in our fellowship have, as individuals, placed their personal faith in Christ and have subsequently been baptised. Following the pattern described in Acts 2 as follows:-

“Then they that gladly received his word were baptized…And they continued stedfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers”
(Acts 2:41-42).

We meet in fellowship with one another as a local assembly, gathering in the Lord’s Name and claiming the promise of His presence (Matt. 18:20).  We endeavour to engage in the following four core activities as outlined in Acts 2.

To study, teach and practise New Testament church truth.

To worship and work together in Christian service and gospel witness.

To remember the Lord Jesus on the first day of every week in the Lord’s supper.

To meet regularly for the purpose of praying together.

Our earnest desire is that we might grow in the love and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ and bring glory to God in all our assembly gatherings and activities.